Barbara Cluer
Barbara retired in 2013 having spent most of her working career in the voluntary sector working with children and families. Home-Start has been a huge part of her life since she took up the role of setting up and managing Home-Start Merton in South London in 1993 where she remained until her retirement over 20 years later. Following retirement she and her husband relocated to South Wales. It wasn’t long before she sought out Home-Start in Wales and in 2014 she joined the Board of Trustees of the former Home-Start Caerphilly, serving as Chair for the last 2 years, before joining the board of Home-Start Cymru when it came into being in 2019.
Whilst in Merton, having developed a reputation for being innovative and creative in her approach, she was frequently invited by Home-Start UK to contribute to the development of a number of projects and new ways of working. Her proudest achievement was in 2006 when invited by Home-Start UK to represent the charity, speaking at a conference in Lithuania.
Barbara brings a long history of living and breathing the ethos of Home-Start, having known Home-Start founder Margaret Harrison, and a strong insight and understanding of the operational side of its work alongside building strategic vision. Bringing over 20 years experience of project management Barbara is pleased to be part of driving forward an exciting future for Home-Start in Wales.
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