Parenting A Neurodiverse Child: A Guide

Parenting a neurodiverse child can be overwhelming, particularly when parents feel as if they don’t have enough support.

Navigating life as a parent is full of challenges and surprises, as every neurodiverse child is different. That said, understanding neurodivergence is important so that you can offer your child the support and guidance they need.

Whether you’re a parent or carer of a neurodiverse child looking for support, this guide is here to help.

What Does It Mean To Be A Neurodivergent Person?

Neurodivergence is an umbrella term which ‘describes people whose brains develop or work differently for some reason.’

Put simply, then, it refers to the different ways in which a person’s brain processes information. 

As such, neurodivergent individuals have different strengths and struggles than people whose brains work “typically.”

What Are The Types Of Neurodiversity?

There are several types of neurodiversity.

Types of neurodiversity include, but are not limited to:

  • Autism and autism spectrum conditions.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit (ADD).
  • Dyscalculia.
  • Dyslexia.
  • Dyspraxia and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).

Some other types of neurodiversity include dyslexia, intellectual disabilities, and epilepsy, to name a few.

Understanding your child’s communication style, how their brain works, and their support needs are crucial to ensure they have the best quality of life.

That said, it’s normal for many parents to require support along the way.

Parenting can be a highly rewarding yet challenging experience, particularly when your neurodiverse child has additional needs.

Parenting A Neurodiverse Child: What Support Is Available?

Parents of neurodivergent children can experience an array of complex challenges.

If you suspect that your child could be neurodivergent or are already aware and struggling, there are many options for support.

Support for parents with neurodiverse children includes:

  1. Online resources 
  2. 1-1 behaviour support
  3. Online communities and forums
  4. In-person peer support groups 
  5. Helplines for parents 

1. Online Resources

There are numerous online resources parents of neurodiverse children can use to seek help, advice, and support.

While parenting books can be great, it’s important to recognise that they are often not aimed at neurodiverse children unless they specifically state that they are.

From the Neurodiversity Celebration Week website to PsychCentral, there are plenty of educational online resources that can help parents better understand any signs and symptoms their child is showing.

Seeking support from specific resources that can help illuminate neurodiversity and help you better understand as a parent can provide you with the confidence and knowledge to tackle everyday challenges.

2. 1-1 Behaviour Support

Another type of support available for parents with neurodiverse children is 1-1 behaviour support.

It is thought that about 15 to 20 per cent of the world’s population is neurodivergent, emphasising how important 1-1 behaviour support is for parents of neurodiverse children.

If you’re looking for 1-1 behaviour support, our helpful and experienced team at Home-Start Cymru can help.

We have extensive experience with the emotional challenges for parents of neurodiverse children and those with additional needs, offering the practical tools and emotional support many parents need.

Contact a friendly team member and get the support you need today.

1-1 behaviour support can be a huge help for parents of neurodiverse children.

3. Online Communities & Forums

Online communities and forums can also be a huge support for families with neurodiverse children.

There are numerous online groups and communities where you can seek advice from other parents, from Facebook groups to parenting forums, such as Mumsnet.

Seeking advice, asking questions, and imparting what you’ve learned not only allows you to feel part of something bigger but also provides a safe space to discuss and celebrate your child’s differences with other parents going through similar circumstances.

4. In-Person Peer Support Groups

Another type of support for parents with neurodiverse children is peer support groups.

Similar to online communities, peer support groups allow you to hear from other parents who are going through similar situations and struggles. 

These groups not only offer comfort but can also empower you with a range of advice.

At Home-Start Cymru, we provide ample opportunities to improve your emotional well-being as a parent through peer support groups.

We facilitate a welcoming and safe environment for parents of neurodiverse children to connect, share experiences and receive mutual neurodevelopment support.

Visit our website today to learn more.

Support groups for parents of neurodiverse children can help you to feel a part of a wider community.

5. Helplines For Parents 

Last but not least, helplines for parents of neurodiverse children can provide a huge support.

Various helplines have operators that are trained in neurodiversity.

Helplines you can contact include Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) or Shout, a confidential 24/7 text service that can offer support if you’re in a crisis.

If you’re struggling with the challenges that come with being a parent of a neurodivergent child, there are professionals on hand to help and just a call away. 

How We Can Help

At Home-Start Cymru, we’re here for parents when they need it most.

Our team at Home-Start Cymru understands that it can be challenging for a child on the Neurodevelopmental pathway, and we are here to support them.

If you would like to know more about the support available for your family, please contact us on 03338800014 or email us at

Written by Jemima for Home-Start Cymru.