Hyb ACE Cymru’n Tynnu Sylw at Waith Seiliedig ar Drawma gyda’r Gyfres Dan Sylw

Mae Hyb ACE Cymru wedi lansio cyfres newydd i ddangos gwaith seiliedig ar drawma. Mae’r gyfres yn tynnu sylw at ddulliau llwyddiannus, rhannu mewnwelediadau allweddol, ac yn cefnogi Fframwaith Cymru Seiliedig ar Drawma. Mae Home-Start Cymru’n falch o gymryd rhan, gan gyflwyno adroddiad am sut mae’n defnyddio egwyddorion seiliedig ar drawma yn ei waith beunyddiol.

Beth yw Gwaith Seiliedig ar Drawma?

Mae gwaith seiliedig ar drawma’n deall effaith drawma ar unigolion ac yn canolbwyntio ar eu hadferiad. Mae’n creu lleoedd diogel – yn gorfforol, yn emosiynol ac yn seicolegol – i bawb sy’n darparu ac yn derbyn cymorth. Mae cyfres dan sylw Hyb ACE Cymru’n helpu i rannu’r egwyddorion hyn ar draws sefydliadau a chymunedau yng Nghymru.

Dull Home-Start Cymru

Yn Home-Start Cymru, mae empathi, tosturi a diffyg barnu wrth galon ein gwaith. Mae ein hadroddiad dan sylw yn dangos sut mae’r gwerthoedd hyn yn llunio ein gwaith ac yn sicrhau ein bod yn parchu profiadau teuluoedd.

Pwyntiau Allweddol o’r Adroddiad:

  • Ymarferion Beunyddiol: Camau bychain ond pwerus sy’n rhoi blaenoriaeth i ofal a diogelwch.
  • Dulliau Sefydliadol: Strategaethau i hyrwyddo gofal seiliedig ar drawma.
  • Gwerthoedd Mewn Gweithredu: Enghreifftiau go iawn o sut rydym yn defnyddio empathi i gefnogi teuluoedd.

Drwy ymgorffori’r egwyddorion hyn yn ein diwylliant, rydym yn creu amgylchedd cefnogol lle mae teuluoedd yn teimlo’n werthfawr ac yn cael eu deall.

Neges gan ein Prif Weithredwr

Dywedodd Jayne Drummond, Prif Weithredwr Home-Start Cymru:
“Rydym yn falch iawn o rannu ein hadroddiad dan sylw gyda Hyb ACE Cymru. Mae’n dangos pwysigrwydd ein gwerthoedd craidd – empathi, diffyg barnu, a thosturi – ac mae’n egluro sut mae’r rhain yn siapio popeth rydym yn ei wneud. Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i Hyb ACE Cymru am eu cefnogaeth i greu adroddiad sy’n adlewyrchu ein gwaith a’n hymrwymiad i ofal seiliedig ar drawma.”

Dysgu Mwy

Archwiliwch ein hadroddiad dan sylw a’n gweminar i gael mewnwelediadau pellach i waith seiliedig ar drawma.

  • Adroddiad Dan Sylw: Ar gael ar wefan ACE Hub Cymru.
  • Gweminar: Clywch straeon go iawn am effaith gofal seiliedig ar drawma.

Edrych Ymlaen

Mae’r gyfres hon gan Hyb ACE Cymru’n gam pwysig i hyrwyddo gwaith seiliedig ar drawma yng Nghymru. Mae Home-Start Cymru’n ymrwymedig i gefnogi teuluoedd gyda gofal a dealltwriaeth, gan helpu i adeiladu cymunedau cryfach a mwy gwydn.

Gyda’n gilydd, gallwn ddarparu cymorth ystyrlon i’r rhai sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan drawma a phrofiadau niweidiol yn ystod plentyndod (ACEs).

Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i:

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ACE Hub Wales Highlights Trauma-Informed Work with Spotlight Series

ACE Hub Wales has recently launched an insightful spotlight series focused on trauma-informed work. This initiative aims to showcase existing approaches, celebrate successes, and further support the implementation of the Trauma-Informed Wales Framework. As part of this series, Home-Start Cymru proudly presents its spotlight report, which highlights how the organisation applies trauma-informed principles in its daily operations.

What is Trauma-Informed Work?

Trauma-informed work recognises the pervasive impact of trauma and explores pathways for recovery. It prioritises physical, psychological, and emotional safety for both service providers and survivors, fostering opportunities to regain a sense of control and empowerment. The spotlight series by ACE Hub Wales is a crucial step in promoting these principles across organisations and communities in Wales.

Home-Start Cymru’s Trauma-Informed Approach

At Home-Start Cymru, the values of empathy, non-judgment, and compassion are embedded into every aspect of our operations. Our spotlight report provides an in-depth look at how these core values shape our interactions and practices, ensuring that our support for families is both effective and respectful of their lived experiences.

Key Highlights from the Report:

  • Day-to-Day Practices: Small yet impactful interventions that prioritise empathy and safety.
  • Systemic Approaches: Organisational strategies designed to promote a culture of trauma-informed care.
  • Core Values in Action: Real-life examples of how empathy and non-judgment guide our work with families.

By integrating these principles into our organisational culture, Home-Start Cymru ensures that every family we support benefits from an environment that acknowledges and respects their unique experiences.

A Word from Our Chief Executive

Jayne Drummond, Chief Executive of Home-Start Cymru, shared her enthusiasm about the spotlight report, stating:

“Home-Start Cymru is delighted to see the launch of our trauma-informed communities spotlight report with ACE Hub Wales. The report encapsulates the small to large interventions, centred around our core values of empathy, non-judgment, and compassion, we enlist that embed a trauma-informed approach as instinctual practice. We are extremely grateful to ACE Hub Wales for investing so much time in piecing this report together to ensure this is an accurate and comprehensive reflection of what we do and what trauma-informed means to us.”

Access the Spotlight Report and Webinar

We invite you to explore our spotlight report and accompanying webinar to gain deeper insights into our trauma-informed practices and their impact on the communities we serve.

Looking Ahead

The spotlight series by ACE Hub Wales is a vital initiative for promoting trauma-informed work across Wales. At Home-Start Cymru, we remain committed to supporting families with empathy and compassion, ensuring trauma-informed care stays central to our mission.

By working together, we can create stronger, more resilient communities and provide meaningful support to those affected by trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).

For more information, visit: